What's Procedure for Removal of Partner in Partnership Firm?

The procedure for removal of partner in partnership firm is necessary when a partner decides to withdraw from the partnership. Default is not always welcome, but it's a reality in many partnerships. No party enters a partnership agreement with the expectation that the other party will default on their obligations, but it presents a risk that needs to be sufficiently addressed before the partnership agreement is even established.

While it's of course preferable to reduce the necessity of removal through preparation, due diligence, and risk management, default is occasionally unavoidable. When the general partner has not followed through with their obligations, there are numerous rights, remedies, and procedures that the limited partner may take in order to obtain relief.

Seeking the removal of a partner has its consequences. After the general partner has been removed, the limited partner is responsible for finding a replacement partner. This is usually not as easy as it may seem, since the partnership contract and organization documents may demand the limited partner to fulfill specific consent obligations before the new general partner is admitted. Furthermore, after the general partner is removed, they will often ask for both a release from liability and their payment for any interest plus fees that have accumulated.

Causes of Removal of Partner

There must be a valid cause for removing a partner. Generally, such terms are determined by the partnership agreement. However, there are also standard legal situations that may require the addition or removal of partners. A few of the situations that may cause for the removal of a partner are:

Once a partner must be removed, there are additional specific steps to take for the removal to be legally valid. In general, notices required by the partnership agreement should be sent by certified or overnight mail to the defaulting party. The defaulting party is also to remain liable for its actions that occurred before the date of removal. In general, the partner will be released from liability for actions that occurred after the date of removal. Once a partner is removed, there may also be additional tax concerns to be addressed.

Particular events that could result in default must be sufficiently and specifically addressed in the partnership agreement.

What if Default Occurs?

If an event resulting in default occurs, specific procedures exist that a limited partner must follow before a general partner may be removed. In many instances, the agreement will include notice and cure rights.

An LLC (limited liability partnership) is a type of business that may be comprised of between two (minimum) and 200 (maximum) members. This type of business includes aspects of both the business and the partnership. Similar to companies, the legal identity of the LLC is distinct from its partners. The LLP operates as determined in the LLP contract. This agreement must include all possible outcomes, such as the removal of a partner.

If necessary, legal counsel may assist in the implementation of the terms of the partnership agreement. Employment rights also dictate cases of discrimination, regardless of whether the party concerned is considered to be self-employed or not. If you do not abide by these employment rights, your business could be vulnerable to significant legal action.

In addition to working with the partner's actual removal, there are more issues to be considered. How will the partnership's profits and property be allocated in the future? How will clients and staff remain protected?

If there is no partnership agreement in existence, the default legal framework is the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000 or the Partnership Act 1890. Without a partnership agreement, partners must adhere to these terms.

If you need help understanding how to remove a partner in a partnership firm, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.