How to develop an application security policy

In today's digital landscape, the role of software and applications in driving business value and engagement is undeniable. As the proliferation of these digital touchpoints continues, the need for their security is more urgent than ever. Let's dive deep into the essence of application security, exploring the importance of a robust policy, its crucial components, and how New Relic interactive application security testing (IAST) can transform your application security journey.

What is an application security policy?

An application security policy, at its core, is a collection of directives and practices designed to govern how application security is maintained within an enterprise. This policy is pivotal in assuring that applications are protected from inception, through development, deployment, and throughout their lifecycle. It seeks to safeguard data, prevent breaches, and ensure an uninterrupted user experience.

Five necessary elements of an application security policy

A resilient application security policy begins with understanding its foundational pillars. Dive into these five indispensable elements that shape a sound policy.

How to create and implement an application security policy

Building a secure application security policy isn't just about listing rules; it's a meticulous endeavor, demanding collaboration and alignment with broader organizational objectives. After crafting the policy, the real test is in its company-wide deployment. The following steps will guide you through the creation and effective implementation of your policy.

Creating an application security policy

Creating a robust application security policy requires a fusion of expertise, insights, and strategic planning. Let's navigate the process of formulating a policy tailored to your organization's unique landscape.

Implementing your application security policy

Once your application security policy is inked, the journey shifts to ensuring its seamless integration across the organization. Delve into the steps that guarantee effective deployment and adherence.