Step Plan GDPR Implementation

Since entering into force in May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all entities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and - due to the extended territorial scope - to a large extent also to entities outside of the EEA. The GDPR has led to a significant rise in data protection compliance duties. In case of violations, companies may face fines of up to 4% of the global annual turnover of the whole company group. Supervisory authorities do not seem to be afraid to push those limits. In 2019, European supervisory authorities have announced and issued recordbreaking fines of £183 million (UK) and €50 million (France). Even data protection noncompliance in smaller and less important offices of a company group may now lead to significant ramifications. As the preparation for the GDPR requires reorganisation of various internal procedures, it is highly recommendable to follow a structured path when initiating a GDPR compliance project.

If you have already implemented compliance measures, please be aware of the duty to regularly audit and potentially update your internal processes. Please see our guidance on conducting GDPR audits in this regard.

Steps to implement GDPR standards:

Step 1 Gap analysis

Step 2 Risk analysis

Step 3 Project steering and resource/ budget planning

Step 4 Implementation of a compliant data protection structure

Step 5 Local Add-on Requirements

Step 6 Coping with the Brexit

Step 1 Gap analyses