Frequently Asked Questions About EV Charging Stations Answered

As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution sweeps across the United States, the third quarter of 2023 marked a pivotal moment in this electrifying journey. With a staggering 63 percent surge in EV sales compared to the same period in 2022, the EV landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace.

This growth isn’t some statistical anomaly; it’s a testament to the nation’s shift toward sustainable transportation. However, beneath the surface of this EV boom lies a critical challenge—ensuring that the charging infrastructure keeps pace with the rising demand.

While currently, there are approximately 4 million EVs on American roads, there are slightly more than 151,000 publicly available charging outlets, resulting in a ratio of 26 EVs for every public charging port.

This disconnect underscores the pressing need for an extensive charging network to accommodate the growing EV population of vehicles on the road. An estimated 1.1 million more public chargers at L2 or L3 must be installed to meet the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s infrastructure estimate for 2030.

Fortunately, available funding from federal, state and even local agencies has prompted numerous calls from businesses of all sizes enquiring about BTC POWER chargers and the installation process and timeline. These companies fall into three different tiers, each with its own unique set of questions. Here’s a breakdown of typical questions and how BTC POWER, the leading EV charger manufacturer in the country, can help.

Tier 1—The new explorers in a new land

A Tier 1 buyer is in the earliest possible stage of considering an EV charging station installation. These potential buyers have heard that funding is available and believe an EV charging station could provide long-term profitability or improve customer service at their commercial location. This buyer often enquires about fundamental aspects of EV charging stations, such as installation costs, charging speeds and the timeline for completion.

Typical questions from a Tier 1 buyer:

Map of the US with a charging station background

Tier 2—Refining questions – the serious buyer

A Tier 2 buyer has progressed beyond the initial exploration phase and is actively contemplating the installation of an EV charging station. This buyer conducted preliminary research and may have already explored funding opportunities. This buyer is asking EV charging station manufacturers refining questions, focusing on factors such as network connectivity and compatibility with their existing infrastructure, among other factors. This type of buyer is committed to making an informed choice and is keen to understand how an EV charging station might fit seamlessly into the overall strategy.

EV charger parking spot

Tier 3—Making the switch

A Tier 3 customer already has experience with an EV charging station installed on their property. This buyer is looking for a new provider because they have become dissatisfied with their current supplier or commercial EV charger manufacturer. When these buyers call, they express specific pain points such as subpar customer service or limited functionality in their existing setup.

This type of buyer is trying to replace their current provider and looking for compelling reasons to make the switch. Service reliability plays a pivotal role. These buyers have experienced the frustration of trying to find help from a provider without domestic technicians or one that routes calls through multiple layers before connecting with a knowledgeable team member. This results in low uptime and extended machine downtime, lasting up to six months or more.

Contact our dedicated team today to join the movement and explore how BTC can support your EV charging needs, whether you’re a Tier 1 explorer, a Tier 2 serious buyer, or a Tier 3 switcher. Let’s work together to build a sustainable and electrifying future for all.