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A monthly cash settled Exchange Futures Contract based upon the monthly price published by Inside FERC for the location specified in Reference Price A.
The price quotation convention shall be One hundredth of a cent ($0.0001) per MMBtu; minimum price fluctuation may vary by trade type. Please see Table in Resolution 1 to this Chapter 18.
Listing Cycle Up to 60 consecutive monthly Contract Periods, or as otherwise determined by the Exchange. Last Trading Day The last Business Day prior to the first calendar day of the Contract Period Final Settlement Reference Price A REFERENCE PRICE A NATURAL GAS-E. TEXAS (HOUSTON SHIP CHANNEL)-INSIDE FERC a) Ref Price A - Description"NATURAL GAS-E. TEXAS (HOUSTON SHIP CHANNEL)-INSIDE FERC" means that the price for a Pricing Date will be that day's Specified Price per MMBTU of natural gas for delivery on the Delivery Date, stated in U.S. Dollars, published under the heading "Monthly Bidweek Spot Gas Prices ($/MMBtu): East Texas: Houston Ship Channel: Index" in the issue of Inside FERC that reports prices effective on that Pricing Date.